The best place to learn contracts


Learn how we draft and negotiate contracts in the real world with our practical no-fluff training.

Learn what your contracts should say and why



Join 6,000+ lawyers and in-house teams getting free weekly contract tips and advice from Laura Frederick, one of the world's leading contract experts and trainers.


You CAN become an expert at contract drafting and negotiating.


You just need the RIGHT training. 

Imagine feeling confident when your manager or client send you a new contract.  You know you have the skills and expertise to ensure it says what it should and nothing it shouldn't. 

What if you felt that way ALL THE TIME instead of those bouts of fear and panic, worried you're going to royally screw something up?

How much easier would your job be if you could operate independently, without needing constant feedback on core contract concepts, and with your manager confident in your skills and expertise?

How to Contract will help you improve your skills and (just maybe) fall in love with contracts.

We've trained 1,000s of lawyers and contract teams at top companies around the world, including

Now it is your chance to join the lawyers and in-house  teams we've already helped


lawyers and professionals who attended our paid training events


who purchased Laura Frederick's book, "Practical Tips on How to Contract"


who follow Laura Frederick on LinkedIn and learn from her tips and cartoons

Meet Laura Frederick, Founder and CEO of How to Contract

Laura spent her legal career looking for good practical contract training. But she never found the kind of training that told her exactly what to say in our commercial contracts when, and whySo she decided to create it herself.

Laura took all the sophisticated expertise and nuanced insights she developed from her 25+ years as a commercial contracts lawyer working in Big Law and in cutting-edge companies like Tesla.

Now she created the practical contract training tips, resources, courses, and events she wished she had when she was learning how to draft and negotiate.  

How to Contract offers zero-fluff, to-the-point lessons on exactly what to say, why, and when in contracts and negotiations - giving you the strategies and tools to draft and negotiate in the real world. 

Our methodology is to take what Laura Frederick and experienced practicing lawyers working in the trenches already know about contracts. We collect it, and share it directly with the lawyers and in-house contract teams wanting to improve their skills and expertise. 

Learning and improving our contracting skills is not a once and done exercise. That's why our training is as important for lawyers and professionals new to contracts as for those of who are more senior.

We will be the first to say that How to Contract is not for everyone.

We are not for you if you are looking for training on how to draft and negotiate that $500M joint venture agreement or how to manage an M&A transaction.

We are not for you if you want academic advice based on reading case law and citations.


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Negotiation Scripts for Indemnification Provisions


Learn about contracts from Laura and the contracts community with the How to Contract Blog

How I Contract: An Interview With Noelle McCall

Jul 16, 2024

How I Contract: An Interview with Jonathan Perkel

Jul 11, 2024

Essential concepts for a force majeure provision

Jun 20, 2024

How I Contract: An Interview With Thalia Prozesky

Jul 02, 2024

Now, let me ask you.


What is holding you back from taking your contract skills from good to AMAZING?

"I know I'm missing things, but I don't know what I don't know."

Learn what you need to know in a straightforward and easy-to-understand way.

"I never had a mentor explain the practical ins and outs of contracts."

Learn from Laura Frederick and other contracts experts what you need to know and develop better contracts skills.

"I don't have time. I want someone to explain what I need to know."

How to Contract offers a shortcut to learning what lawyers spend their career figuring out

If that sounds like you, then you're in luck. How to Contract will help you understand the practical contract techniques and nuances you've been wanting to learn. 

I'm in! Tell me all about my training options!