Contract Essentials Courses

Concise and practical explanations without the legalese


Dive into zero-fluff, to-the-point courses that cut through the noise. Rapidly acquire practical contract drafting and negotiating skills, transforming your expertise and growing your confidence.

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Contract Essentials Courses


Are you ready to improve your contract skills?


With Contract Essentials courses, lawyers and in-house contract teams receive the knowledge and expertise to effectively and efficiently draft and negotiate commercial contracts.


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Our courses explain practical training on real-world approaches to drafting and negotiating B2B commercial contracts.

Contract Essentials on-demand courses offer an incredible value, providing a ton of insight and advice at an affordable price.

Flat Fee for All Contract Essentials Courses
2-Hour Training Designed and Taught by Laura
Laura's Playbook on the Subject (in Excel / As Available)
Laura's Subject-Specific Checklists, Charts, and More
Bonus Training Videos
Audio-Only Recording
Laura's Contract Tips and Cartoons on the Subject


Access on the Mobile App
Transcripts and Slide Deck
Info Packet for Your CLE Application

Meet your instructor, Laura Frederick, Founder and CEO of How to Contract

Laura Frederick is a technology transactions lawyer by training. She worked on contracts throughout her career. Laura founded How to Contract in 2021 to share the expertise she developed through her experience in Big Law and as in-house commercial counsel at a variety of companies including Tesla. And now she is offering an affordable training membership to help people like you get the training you need to be confident and successful in your work. 

These courses are available now

Indemnification Provisions

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Limitation of Liability Provisions

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Non-Disclosure Agreements

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Intellectual Property Provisions

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Boilerplate Provisions

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Check out our special offers

Remember, our members always get at least a 25% discount on our courses and workshops

4-Course Bundle (offer ends June 1)


4-Course Bundle (offer ends June 1)


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