Announcing Limitation of Liability Essentials Workshop with Laura Frederick

training Nov 11, 2023

Join us for the live Limitation of Liability Essentials Workshop on November 16, 2023!

This session is for you if you want to gain more confidence and clarity about drafting and negotiating limitation of liability provisions in commercial contracts. 


At the workshop, you'll dive into:

👉  How contract liability works and ways we manage it within the agreement, including with caps and waivers.

👉  Risks associated with consequential damages waivers, including traps for drafting provisions with unintended consequences.

👉  Practical approaches to tailoring caps on liability that work in different commercial relationships.

👉  Special liability limit issues, including supercaps and insurance issues.

Here’s what you'll benefit from as a ticket holder:

👉 2.5 hours of live practical training, including Q&A

👉 Audio-only recording of the entire live training program

👉 12 months of access to the training (including the recording), but keep your copy of the playbook and job aids forever

👉 BONUS #1: Laura's Limitation of Liability Provision Playbook with sample language, issues, and suggested edits (personal license only)

👉 BONUS #2: Training aids designed by Laura to help you work on limitation of liability provisions, including checklists, charts, guides, negotiation scripts, and more

👉 BONUS #3: 1.5 additional hours of video training on indemnification provisions

👉 Certificate of attendance to demonstrate your training (and showcase it on your LinkedIn)


Want to draft limitation of liability provisions confidently?


See you at the workshop!

Hurry: We only have a limited number of seats available.


P.S. Shoot us an email at [email protected] if you have any questions. 🙂

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